Pregnancy Test (Blood/Urine Testing)

Pregnancy Testing at KnowNOW Health

At KnowNOW Health we offer both Urine and Blood HCG testing. Stop in to any of your nearby KnowNow clinics to get tested today.

How Long Will My Results Take?

The turnaround times for our urine test is 15 minutes. Our blood test take 24-48 hours for your results.

KnowNOW Health is the ideal place where patients go for a pregnancy test. The flexible hours and courteous service at our walk-in clinics give a sense of comfort to our patients.

We are fully equipped with medical professionals and onsite lab testing services for quick and accurate answers.

Stop in to your nearest KnowNOW Health locations if you need a reliable blood and/or urine pregnancy test today.

What Are The Symptoms Of Pregnancy?

  • Missed period. If you're in your childbearing years and a week or more has passed without the start of an expected menstrual cycle, you might be pregnant. However, this symptom can be misleading if you have an irregular menstrual cycle.

  • Tender, swollen breasts. Early in pregnancy hormonal changes might make your breasts sensitive and sore. The discomfort will likely decrease after a few weeks as your body adjusts to hormonal changes.

  • Nausea with or without vomiting. Morning sickness, which can occur at any time of the day or night, often begins one to two months after you become pregnant. However, some women feel nausea earlier and some never experience it. While the cause of nausea during pregnancy isn't clear, pregnancy hormones likely play a role.

  • Increased urination. You might find yourself urinating more often than usual. The amount of blood in your body increases during pregnancy, causing your kidneys to process extra fluid that ends up in your bladder.

  • Fatigue. Fatigue also ranks high among early symptoms of pregnancy. No one knows for certain what causes sleepiness during the first trimester of pregnancy. However, a rapid rise in the levels of the hormone progesterone during early pregnancy might contribute to fatigue.

How Much Will The Test Cost ?

KnowNOW Health gladly accepts all insurances. If you aren't insured please inquire at one of our KnowNow clinics or visit our insurance section for more information.


  • During the initial 4 to 10 weeks of pregnancy, hCG levels rapidly increase. The hormone levels reach their peak at approximately the tenth week of pregnancy. Then they gradually decline until delivery. If you’re pregnant, the hCG test can typically detect this hormone in your urine about 3 days after your first missed period.


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