HIV, STD Testing

Safe and Discreet STD Testing

Too often, the stigma that surrounds STI/STDs causes many people to ignore symptoms or skip important testing. If you are sexually active, it’s important you get tested regularly for STDs or STIs. At KnowNOW Health, we are available to perform testing for a variety of STI/STDs, including HIV, chlamydia, herpes, hepatitis, syphilis, and other venereal diseases (VD). To protect your health and prevent the spread of disease, it’s vital you get tested quickly, making our walk-in clinics the perfect place to receive fast testing and treatment. If your test does come back positive, our caring medical staff will ensure you begin treatment right away. To get the quick, discreet, accurate results you deserve, visit any of our KnowNOW Health locations today.

Quick and discreet STD testing is offered 7 days a week and includes testing for Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, and Trichomonas. The turnaround time for an STD panel is 3-4 days at which point you can schedule a follow-up visit to review results with a provider. We require a consultation for lab review to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment plans.

STD vs. STI: What’s the Difference?

Could you be at risk of a sexually transmitted infection (STI)? Or possibly a sexually transmitted disease (STD)? Aren’t those the same thing? While you’ve most likely heard these terms used interchangeably, STIs and STDs do differ slightly.

A sexually transmitted infection (STI) is an infection caused by viruses, bacteria, parasites, or yeast that is spread through sexual contact of the genitals, mouth, or anus. Oftentimes, people can have an STI but experience no noticeable symptoms. A STI is essentially the beginning phase of a sexually transmitted disease (STD) that, when treated in time, could be prevented. However, it is important to note that not all STIs are treatable.

For example, HPV (Human Papillomavirus) can often leave women without symptoms, but they may be a carrier of the virus, making it a STI. However, the moment that virus develops into cervical cancer, the woman now clinically has a STD.

Am I at risk for a STI?

STD Testing

There are several circumstances that can place your sexual health at risk. These factors may include:

  • Giving or receiving unprotected oral, anal, or genital sex (Unprotected means no condom or dental dam is/was being used)

  • If you have a history of STIs

  • Having multiple sexual partners

  • Abusing alcohol, injecting drugs into your body, or the abuse of other substances that could impair decision-making skills

  • Not having talked to your partner about their sexual past & their health prior to engaging in sexual activity with them

  • Not being up to date on applicable vaccinations such as HPV and hepatitis

What Are My Risk Factors?

Visit the links below to learn more about different STIs and STDs. If you believe you may be experiencing symptoms, please contact us today.

STIs and/or STDs?

  • Yes, absolutely! You should keep an open line of communication between you and your sexual partner before engaging in sexual activity with them for the first time and throughout any physical relationship.

  • While condoms are not a 100% guarantee that you will not contract a STI, it greatly reduces your overall risk. Ensure you and your partner are using condoms EVERY TIME you engage in sexual activity.

  • We recommend a minimum of once per year even if you are having safe sex. If you have unprotected sex, we recommend getting tested right away. If you are participating in casual sex, we recommend at least every six months.

  • Yes.

  • It is possible to pass your infection or disease to your baby, so be sure to discuss all risks and concerns prior to delivery. Your doctor may decide that the safest option for delivery is a cesarean, also known as a C-section.

  • Most, if not all, STDs that are curable can be treated with a prescribed antibiotic from the medical practitioner at KnowNOW Health. If you are pregnant, be sure to let your provider know, as this could change the prescription you are given to keep your baby safe.

Frequently Asked Sexually Transmitted Infection and Disease Questions


Hormone Testing